Changing your mindset

I have long been an advocate of exercise to support health and wellness and have recognised the importance of food & nutrition to support a busy and active lifestyle. Eating well and physical exercise has been fundamental to me to cope with the stresses that being an entrepreneur brings and has certainly kept me sane during the roller coaster ride.

Since I started Pep & Lekker I have never had to think of fitness and nutrition in terms of poor health or injury up until now.

Three weeks ago, I tripped when walking my dog (picture above), as the pavements are bad near me, and although I went down with a bang, I did not think more of it. I was battered, grazed, and bruised, and a bit shocked (falls are not as easy when you get older!) but as I could walk, I was confident that it was not serious. Once the grazing was healed, I tried to resume my normal exercise routine without success and was increasingly resorting to pain killers to function. As exercise has become part of my DNA, I did not want to see a doctor. Eventually, I realised that denying something existed did not make it go away and I would have to get my big girl boots on.

I went to see a GP, thinking he would advise rest and physio, but he referred me to see a consultant and an MRI scan confirmed a fracture and dislocated ligaments.

Although my new routine is something of an adjustment there are also important learnings and even positive takeaways:
- if your instinct tells you that something is wrong with your health then it usually is and avoiding and denying will not make it go away, and may harm your recovery.

- being fit and healthy and a good weight is not only important to live an active life but also plays a vital role in recovery. The doctors told me that if I had been overweight and had a large belly, I would not have been able to walk from the outset! I can walk my dog if I wear a knee brace and should avoid an operation. All possible as I am slim and fit.

- food & nutrition is not only essential for activity but is also fundamental to maintain strong bones and to repair injuries. So, my Pep & Lekker prebiotic seed bites being a good source of protein, Omega 3 and magnesium fit in perfectly. Also, as our bites are high in fibre, and low in sugar and carbs they will help to ensure that I do not put on weight during this period of inactivity.

- time to reset my exercise routine. Focus on upper body strength which I have been neglecting as I have been focused on cardiovascular fitness. I have been reading a great deal about the importance of strength training, but it is only now that I have dusted down my weights and who knows what this renewed strength will bring?

- with no excuses I can now dedicate more time to meditation which will help with the current discomfort but will also in the long term enable me to be more in the present and accepting, and overall, a happier human being.

So no longer feeling sorry for myself, but feeling positive that there is a lot to be grateful for. It’s all about looking at events through the right lens and having a growth mindset!

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