How Can Exercise Keep Your Immune System Strong? 👇🏃‍♀️

There is a compelling link between physical activity and the body’s defence system 🏃‍♀️

Exercise has been shown to have the following benefits to our immune function:

✔️ Reduces the Risk of Illness

✔️ Boosts Metabolic Health and Immune Activity

✔️ Improves Immune Regulation

✔️ Delays Age-Related Immune Deterioration

Getting enough movement into your day is a great way to bolster your immune system as well as maintain a routine and boost mood during these uncertain times. But as we have been told to stay at home and avoid gyms, we also need to be more mindful of what we eat 🥗

So, avoid junk food and sugar laden snacks that provide heaps of empty calories and are non-nutritive. Instead, opt for healthy snacks which will help you to nourish your body at the same time as maintaining a healthy weight – such as seeds and nuts 💚

Pep & Lekker cofounder Susan loves to stay as active as possible and is always sure to squeeze some extra movement into every busy day. Susan often enjoys a seed based snack before jogging to help her fuel her exercise or enjoys post-workout to replenish those protein stores and help aid recovery – they couldn’t be easier or more convenient to enjoy! 🤸

To stay safe and get enough exercise when #SelfIsolating or #SocialDistancing be sure to exercise alone and get out into the great outdoors for some fresh air 🏃‍♀️

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