Natural Ways to Support Your Menstrual Cycle and Ease Period Cramps

Did you know that nutrition can be used to support your menstrual cycle? Here are a few top tips to do just that from Nutritional Therapy & Functional Medicine Expert, Marilia Chamon:

  1. Eat iron-rich foods such as dark leafy vegetables, beans and pulses.

    Our menstrual cycle marks the time where blood loss occurs putting us more at risk of low iron levels. It is important to pair iron-rich foods with a source of vitamin C, such as lemon, peppers, broccoli, for maximum absorption.

  2. Eat magnesium-rich foods such as leafy green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, avocado.

    Magnesium acts as a muscle relaxer and can help relieve cramps.

  3. Eat high fiber foods such as beans and pulses .

    Fiber helps maintain hormonal balance by binding to oestrogen and carrying it out of the body via poop.

  4. Eat fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel.

    They are rich in essential fatty acid Omega-3 which has anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 can also contribute to a better mood.

  5. Seed-cycling

    Seed-cycling means eating ground flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds from day 1 to day 14 of your menstrual cycle (aka follicular phase) and eating sesame and sunflower seeds from day 15 to day 28 (aka luteal phase). Oestrogen is lower during the follicular phase and flax and pumpkin seeds contain lignans which can help naturally increase oestrogen while also providing fibre to support healthy oestrogen metabolism. In the luteal phase progesterone levels rise and peak - progesterone is the hormone responsible for easing PMS symptoms like bloating, mood swings and insomnia. Sesame and sunflower seeds contain lignans and essential fatty acids that support the hormones that carry us through the luteal phase. Two tablespoons of each seed per day is enough to get those benefits in!


Thank you so much to Marilia Chamon for writing this wonderful blog post & helping us to feel better during our menstral cycle!

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